As the principal of Rosedale SS I am truly proud of our school. As a rural school we cater effectively for the needs of our community and do this extremely well. We are a K – 12 school and provide a consistent and supportive education to all members of the Discovery Coast, characterised by high expectations but with compassion, understanding and appreciation for individual difference.
Our Positive Behaviour for Leaning values of Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Learning are reinforced through our overall approach to teaching and learning. We understand that our role is not only to deliver the curriculum but to teach young people the skills necessary to succeed in life; hence our motto “Prepare Today for Life Tomorrow'.
The key to success in the classroom is quality relationships and understanding our students. For that reason as part of our 4 year strategic plan, we have chosen to dive deeply into engagement strategies in order to further improve the academic and social outcomes for students. We also appreciate that our students are all of our responsibility, hence our focus on quality leadership processes across the school.
Our priorities in 2024 will be
- Teaching and Learning (The what we do in the classroom)
- Engagement (How we relate to students and improved their commitment to education)
We have already we have seen return on our investment with improved academic outcomes. Currently we have attained:
81.3% C+
| English
100% C+
| English
| 100%
90.6% C+
| Maths 100% C+
| Maths
| All
Students engaging with QTAC received their first preference
As a school we have adopted the Resilience Project to support the well being of our students and staff. We acknowledge that greater priority needs to occur to ensure that students are ready to learn and have the right disposition in terms of their mental health and hope. Every week our students are provided with a tailored Resilience Program that is age appropriate and focused on building greater personal awareness through the key foci of GEM.
- Gratefulness
- Empathy
- Mindfulness
- Emotional Literacy
We understand the need for a focused approach to student well being, to provide the very best educational environment for our students. We have confidence that this program will lead to greater school engagement, a greater awareness and appreciation of individual difference, a more understanding and tolerant school community with fewer issues of bullying or harassment.

We provide a well-balanced approach to all facets of school life. Students are provided with a range of extra curricula activities which build a well rounded individual. At Rosedale we understand that students have strengths in different areas and these need to be supported to have student growth.
- Sport
- Equestrian
- Reading
- Opti Minds
- Music
- Personal training
- A well supported student council, providing leadership opportunities in both primary and secondary.
Proudly we offer a kindergarten program to support the youngest members of or community. Our goal is to provide a quality start to education for all of the children in the Discovery Coast Area. This year our Kindy program will run for 2 days (Thursday and Friday) in Semester 1 and 3 days in Semester 3 (Wednesday – Friday)
Our Primary school has grown considerably in recent years where we now have 5 classes. These are a mix of composite and stand alone classes, providing a balanced approach to class sizes and teacher instruction. We have established real rigour within our academic program with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum. In 2024 we will introduce Version 9 in both English. A signature element of our reading program happens to be our Promoting Literacy Development program, supporting the reading program.
Our Secondary program provides quality outcomes for all of our students as our school facilities ensure that all students are provided with valid and modern pathways, meeting the workforce requirements for the 21st century. We are proud of our TAFE Training Centre, Marine learning environment, Science labs and Gym which support employment options for our students.
Quality transition programs, tailored teaching programs catering for individual difference, a wide range of senior school subjects, combined with a truly dedicated staff ensure that all of our students are provided with the best opportunity to meet our motto of 'preparing today for life tomorrow'.
Craig Martin